Tuesday 3 January 2017

Letters Toward HIDE's Blog

It is more and more of you those who write me sharring your experience about HIDE's blog and that makes me really Happy and grateful. Soon  on Jan 30 Hideto Matsumoto =The Life Of A Shooting Star= will aniversate 1 year of existence on Blogger although it was in fact "born" on Tripod more than 10 years ago.

Life happened in the meanwhile and after Tripod was closed down, I tried to "lay dust" over everything, I tried so hard to say Goodbye to HIDE, to go on with my life, to act normal...but I couldn't, because...when you grow up with X you can't aim to be "normal"..." normal " means average...under-rated...less important...and is impossible...is impossible to be "normal" because being X means you are...SPECIAL. Forgetting about HIDE and my life with X it was a big fiasco, no matter how hard I tried pretending I'm just another boring face in the crowd, no matter how much I wanted to fake "growing up" it was pointless,and so..
.nearly an year ago, I started re-building HIDE's remembering corner again . I never realized how much I've missed doing this...writing posts about HIDE and X, it is what brings me always back the smile and reaching so many of you out there means that HIDE is also sneaking in your hearts trough this posts, and it couldn't pleasing me more, than to see young people or elders too finding their way to HIDE, getting to know him more, understanding his works better. In the past year several of you even wrote me on Facebook where we've become "virtual friends" Thank you for that opportunity of getting to know you...and I will only mention 3 of you although truth is, several other more have contacted me once in a while.
Thank you so much for friendship Ciel Reisi, Monica Lee and Aurelien Trento thank you all for the good thoughts about this blog and for all your support. Monica , thanx a lot for the daily chat...even for putting up with my eccentricity . Lots of love and hugs! Ciel you are really good with guitar, I think you and Monica should play together the cover of DOUBT :) all the others I haven't mentioned yet but they already know themselves,
Thank You a lot for continuously supporting this blog in your own ways! Irin Lin , from the bottom of my heart thank you, your letter made me smile and cry in same time. I have no words to express my feelings while reading your letter and even after finishing reading it...is very precious to me what you wrote in that email, it profs me that my work is constructive and that others can find it as interesting to read as for me meant writing it. This gives me extra reasons to want to share more info with you and go on Blogging, by the way I am Marie Aristo Kate...not that you'd know me from somewhere LOL . I AM VERY HAPPY, ASTONISHED AND DEEP IMPRESSED OF ALL YOUR ATTENTION. Group Hug XXX ! 

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