I will not tell you anything about those magazines now as I talk about them before on separate posts, or I will talk more in the future ones. Here it is a small piece of recorded info regarding HIDE and X

obviously this is not all, but time is so short, and many other publications which were already presented to you are not included. In the hope that you guys are here for HIDE and you care to know more about his musical life achievements, I will leave you with a promise that very soon I will update the remaining part of HIDE stickers and sutapura collection, that you haven't seen yet, because I haven't got a chance to write a post about so far. Thank you for remembering HIDE, I will try to provide you on blogger with info in English about his achievements, on Facebook Romanian and English, on YJ you can still read the original old blog in Japanese if you're good at (although you'll find here same info in English plus some new posts not anymore updated there), on Tripod it might be still visible...(it was a blog in Spanish, same name but I gave up on it many years ago )...ANYWAY WHEREVER YOU GO AND READ ABOUT HIDE, ON WHOMEVER BLOG'S POSTS, OR WHATEVER SITE...I'm happy you still spare some time in day to do that. Once you launch a picture on internet with an artist or public figure, unless you've got copyright certified from the artist/owner whatever than you have no write to pull up others about the pictures. I made this pictures but the copyright for magazines covers belong to the publishers for example, if they don't winge that I made pictures with their magazines than FLIP OVER AND GROW UP! neither should you! By the way feel free to RE-USE the pictures on whatever you want make them travel the world, let others see HIDE and his work, because HE DESERVE TO BE KNOWN IN ALL 4 CORNERS OF THIS WORLD, for the simple reason that his music it was/ it is/ it will be a life motivation for others !
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