Phantom Cards Box
Good morning HIDE lovers all over the world...remember that in another posts I was displaying for you the Phantom cards which once used to sell as trading cards ?

well for those of you who are more curious how the product looked like before being opened from the original box and unpacked from the plastic it is! 1 single bag contains 10 trading cards inside and in 1 box are hosted 12 bags
that means you will find inside a " HIDE YOUR FACE BOX" 120 collectible cards, now many of them are/
will be doubles but the thrill of actually heaving them as they are is not comparable with anything...the question is
...would you resist the temptation to hold a box like that intact for 16 years ? to have it in your sight daily, clean the dust upon it...yet have the straight to keep it unsealed just as a Holly Grail from a museum ?...I do :) ...true I do have all the cards in collection so it was no need to sacrifice the box :) but still...considdering I was very young once, ages ago when HIDEKI Nii-san was still "monkeying" around on the stage...
LOL, I love his playful way of entertaining too much original, too close to the direct that everyone tough Nii-san if their own private friend...this is the part where I start crying again like a silly prat, I guess...I haven't grew up yet, I go on but I'll never be able to get over it...Thank You minaa-san for returning to read posts on HIDE's blog, here I don't sell you HIDE, I only bring his work closer to your attention, so that all of you out there new or old fans will "know more" . "discover more", "experience more". HIDE's work is like a roller-coaster it has up and downs but is always surprising, always strong and deep...our HIDE is the reason we are all connected :)
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