3 days ago on August 17th I've returned from a magical journey on Japan...I went there for various reasons, the main one...I wanted to reach HIDEKI by all means and in all the ways I could. I booked a host in Yokosuka at Mr Shimizu Katsuyoshi (you can find it here in Facebook https://www.facebook.com/shimizu.katsuyoshi.7?fref=ts ) who lives in Yokosuka Chuo...As if the destiny itself pushed me to choose my host there is something funny of how I reached to do that...I was searching on Airbnb a host for Yokosuka and was very picky to choose...I looked at HIDEKI's ring on my finger

and suddenly the name of my host to be stroke me...Katsu...on Airbnb he appears as https://www.airbnb.co.uk/users/show/6168617 , It didn't lured me the excellent location but his name...yes his name, you heard me...here it is his listing https://www.airbnb.co.uk/rooms/11043197 .
On my favorite ring was written HIDE X KASUH...
I was so happy and overcome by something growing faster and louder than anything in my heart that I couldn't think straight...I felt welcome and...belonging...the smell of scent, the silence...the air itself. I put down the chain of his grave entrance ignoring the fact everyone looked at me as if I do something not allowed...I did not care what they think anyway, I was there for Nii-san not for any of them regardless of who they were, and how "family" or "friends" they once were to HIDE...after few minutes I turned my face away in tears...I didn't want any of them see me crying...didn't want to make Nii-san sad either...I left broken heart-ed but told myself I will go back "Tomorrow"...and so it was..."tomorrow" after "Tomorrow" in all the days who followed since then, until I left Japan on 16th Aug 2016 .

In the 3rd day I brought him my lucky fancy glasses, I sometimes dream about HIDEKI, he comes in my dreams and we talk till morning...I wake up smiling cause he is dead funny, almost every time he brings me something to eat...and smokes way too much, we talk lot about lots of things...I know is just imaginary but is better than any reality you could live...LOL.
It turns out a night before I dreamed he came to me and seat on the edge of my bed, (I woke up in my dream and he was there smiling) he seem in the mode of "going out" so I followed him in a long walk on Yokosuka Pier, he was amused about those glasses keep playing with the while we seat like punks in the park with feet on benches, we laugh and talk a bunch of nothings...when morning came I wake up in Yokosuka's park near Yokosuka, Yokosuka train station...YES I'M SLEEP WALKING...had no clue how I reached there but it took me a while to get back Yokosuka Chuo...for me is natural to wake up in strange places, I'm sleep walking since being very young...most of times I don't Remember what I'm doing there, and I can never know the reason I stood up from bed to go there...surprisingly I NEVER GET HURT...OR CRUSHED BY CAR, Thank GOD !
And since he play with those glasses and like them so, I decided that he should have them, so I left them hang on his Flowers...also there is something weird related with this flowers...it seems that something oily and nice scented is dripping from the left bunch right above the place I hang my lucky glasses, as you can see in the picture that Hydrangea flower looks wet...well is not water,is oily as I said...I stay with him till late, in all this time more than 20 of his fans appeared to his grave and I gave them incense so they can pay respects to Nii-san. It felt good doing that, I know he'd like that we would be nice to each-other.
That is the main reason why I returned in the 4th day...I am aware that more and more young fans want to reach out to HIDE, and to know more about him, his music...his way...
Therefor wishing to help those fans reach Nii-san and backwards, I have collected their messages from the group I made to help Nii-san's fans, trough the post I left on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/1553856868250441/
regarding this matter...
few people left in private message few words for him, so I was more than glad to have a pretext to return in Miurareign at his grave...

In the 4th day I brought him a small tin of Brithish Earl Gray Tea and a tiny Pink teddy bear as I often dream we have drinks together (I did try at Rally pub his favorite Shandygap...it knock me out...so, sorry Nii-san but from now on till your Birthday, tea will do just fine! ) and I've meet at HIDEKI's grave another fan...Kazuhiro Tanaka, he writes editorials for a Tokyo local news paper, his topic are music reviews related so sometimes he gets to interview famous people like he interviewed Yoshikitty-mew-san :) . The guy is super friendly and helpful he tour guided me around all "hot spots" where HIDE was/is/will still be remembered. It is thank to him I found lots of memories left behind by Nii-san in the souls of those whom he was a "good friend" for...but I will tell you more about that in a future post :) . The 5th day was sadly the last one I got to spend it with Nii-san, I felt a knot in my stomach all morning and couldn't stop my tears, as the minutes went by becoming hours I counted them with sadness...than I collected all my straight and I cleaned HIDEKI's grave last time...who knows when I will be able to return...I felt such big sadness I can not put it into words...so I soaked his grave in cleaning products, water and...tears...lots of warm...salty tears...

I DIDN'T HAVE TO DO IT...but I WANTED TO DO IT ! while I was cleaning I haven't even notticed Nii-san's parents were watching me from behind . Is cause they come in silence and I didn't even heard them.
wow. i love hide. and you are great! thank for clean and grace!!!