I think that in a previous post I've been talking about the PSYENCE A GO GO HIDE's 1996 Solo Tour with Spread Beaver, right ? I've been showing you pictures and I've told you how when and where it was released...well how about adding something more ? If you are slightly curious to have a look inside the Yellow File, then here it is a video made specially for all of you out there who try to reach HIDE and know more about him and his work. I will also attach new pictures and also the link with the previous post about the Yellow File. Before ending, I must add that the covers of the photo book are made from yellow faux fur, and precisely for being so fluffy and pleasant to touch this alone it makes an very cool experience having it in your collection. Since it was released on 2/09/1996 by MCA Victor in collaboration with HeadWax Organization as 3 versions special package ( it worth by then 3000 jpy) , The Yellow, Pink and Green Files were kind of rare to be found, as they were only issued at first press release only 500 pieces each (I guess if you look into HIDE's work you'll soon realize that everything he does is "Special Package" or "Limited Edition" ) going on the principle of...what's lot is not that "precious" any longer, this photo book too is a valuable piece in any Fan's collection. I do not know if LEMONed is still up to sell re-prints of these "Old Junks" ( joking, I was only joking when I said they're junks...I love every single one of my collectibles) , anyways is worth to try asking them, and who knows...right ?
In the end I would like to thank you very much for reading HIDE's blog posts. I hope many others, new or old fans of HIDEKI will reach somehow closer to him, that's the main reason I introduce you to my collection and try to give you as much info as I can in English. It is fair to say that in Japanese there are tones of interviews or articles about him, but rare you find something in English
Here is the video link on the support page:
<iframe src="" width="560" height="485" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>
This is HIDE's blog, tough I'm just a humble fan I made this for all of you out there trying to reach him even after so long time. I said HIDE's blog, because everything displayed here either BELONGS to HIDE or is ABOUT HIDE, mine is only the profile picture
Thursday, 8 June 2017
Saturday, 11 March 2017
HMV autographs signing session at HMV London
It is so hard to express in words what I feel. Since Saturday night after the show I walk in circles and talk with myself. I review in my mind the show from all the angles possible and I try to understand how could it be...
Somehow the signing session from the March 3rd is still alive in my memory. I can see everything again as if I live into an everlasting dream.
Nothing is changed, emotions, the thrill of seeing again old and new X friends...the longing to stand in front of them, the men of X, again...
Years flew over us all, we grew up and wrinkled hands start to lose the booming freshness, but that night...that weekend...
I went back in time, I was same 11 year old, reckless, brat...uneducated and shameless...ahhaa...yes. I stood there in front of them looking from behind a child's eyes, I had billion questions to ask you...Yoshiki,
but...somehow I've lost my speech. Thank You for breaking the ice and say "HI" I replied "Hi" as well by fact so many thoughts were unspoken that night...dangerous, malicious...outrageously full of love...of is better they returned in heart, where they should ever stay...
Toshi,are those shades glued on your face ? You do have you ? just for curiosity asking...I wanted so bad to give you a hell of a hug, but those at HMV yelled we shouldn't keep you distracted with hand shakes and stuff...
what they know those Brits about us? they have no idea who WE ARE! Sugizo and HEATH, you guys are great just always expected...PATA...
I couldn't just leave without telling him how happy I was with his last year performance at HIDEKI's anniversary in Kawasaki, and how grateful I was to heavens that his health allowed him to be there,even if he reached late and we feared for worse
...the only one I spoke with...PATA,so many fears were shade away when I saw in his eyes the sparkle of joy. It is such a weird feeling to see him...
them together again, and although HIDE...wasn't there physically speaking, I felt him so strong around me all the way, as if...he...never left us.
I got signed 2 album covers for my friend Monica and I and I've meet such lovely people there and all over Wembley area in the coming days. There, was a very nice someone who remind me again the power of X...his name is Ian, a simple man as many other X fans in the world. He came at Wembley with the wind blowing in his pockets, he had no place to sleep so...
he walked around SSE arena all nights since 3rd till the morning of March 5th...all he wanted was to see X live, he preferred to have nothing left for himself but give everything for X,
he shared with me his biscuits and kindness, and gave away his unconditioned friendship...even to those who do not deserve that.Nearly a week later and I am still thinking about him, about his kindness...
about how much he respected X Japan, he always talk so nice about our boys. Thank You Ian!...then there were the cosplayers from the party...we had such a great end of the night in a little pub named Wembley Tavern.
The owners allow us to play X songs and full around as much as we wanted...we kept singing as if there was no tomorrow, and for a moment, no matter from which background each of us came, no matter how less we knew each other in private...
we were there for X, we shared memories, remembering glorious times of Glamorous Rock...we continued the party in the street shouting out loud well known old X songs...we crushed down in one of our friends room, and we blasted out the night
until from my fault we were kicked out toward our rooms, in my case my hotel by the receptionist who did not understood the notion of "hell of a party". I walked away from Novotel toward The Green Man, the place where I checked in and I was singing...happy...
I still had a bottle of red wine in my bag, so I've open it...from Novotel till SSE Arena is 5-10 minutes walking the most...I really put up with the bottle and because I am a lousy drinker I "swept" away half of bottle...damn...
I was in such a good mode I couldn't stop laughing and singing. While I reached in front of SSE I was screaming HIDEKI'S HI-HO from all my was nearly 2 one in the street...
my leg went in wrong direction and I slept all the way till down on the steps leading toward SSE . I was still singing and laughing, I had a WTF drunk moment,I literally thought HIDE was beside me and he was scolding me off, for getting piss drunk...
he had a damn bike and went up and down, keep returning to me. He was happy...I could say even excited. Someone from above, on the Hilton roof saw my lame drunk scene and I heard them laughing.
I do not know how I reached back in the top of the stairs, in fact I don't know how I reached back to the hotel. There must be a God of drunk people cause no car crushed me. I had a great sleep till morning and I dreamed that I was connecting wires for HIDE's guitar with the amplifier and other stuff
which I have no idea about. In the dream he was damn excited arranging things and making list with what is played when and stuff...when I wake up I was so happy that nothing could bring me down. I did my make-up and in last minute instead of cosplay I decided to wear the "Danger" t-shirt...
HIDE wear it in my dream, so I felt closer to him if I wore that :)...the concert which was about to come it totally blow my mind...but I feel like I need to talk about that in much more detail on a separate post.
Thank you for reading the posts of HIDE's blog and I will keep my promise to you and bring you further information about HIDE and X Japan. HIDE is not a hero, he is family...ours, and love for him will never fade.
It is so hard to express in words what I feel. Since Saturday night after the show I walk in circles and talk with myself. I review in my mind the show from all the angles possible and I try to understand how could it be...
Friday, 24 February 2017
HIDE ZIPPO lighters collection
Do you like smoking ? HIDE LOVED SMOKING maybe that is why LEMONed and HeadWax have released a ZIPPO lighters line, in his I bring in your attenyion most of them...beacuse I always forget something it is possible that 1 or more will not be displayed here simply by human error. In that case after complete revision catalog, if any of such lighters will not be presented now, I will surely update it later on correcting such awful mistake. All these being said let us start with...
Posca Zippo is replication the model of one of HIDE's most beautiful guitars.
As you might already know, HIDE used posca (poska) paints to decorate himself one of his guitars (but then he made one for Mayuko too and sign it before handing it over) . Posca is a paint that surfers use to decorate their surf boards and HIDE found it interesting to express his personality in a totally unique way, so that painting that guitar would give it even more meaning. The next Zippo is "Got a Feelin' " having as back side message few verses of HIDE's "LEMONed Ice Cream" song. The Zippo lighters of this collection are released trough a partnership between ZIPPO USA the original Zippo brand and the HeadWax organization. The "Got a Feelin' " Zippo is a Steinless Steal case made of, it has on the front HIDE's silhuette in a standing position... another one of his famous poses, and obviously singe is Zippo made, is meant to last for lifetime. The production year is 2008 and was available just for a while in the market being produced in limited stock. HIDE with Spread Beaver. Being an immitation of HIDE's green,stage costume, this is a beautiful Zippo. It came in special triangle case baring HIDE's logo on it. It is one of the official goods produced of HeadWax and sold out by LEMONed. It is a beautiful accessory, something that even a non smoker would like to have as well. This is Pink Spider , HIDE Revival Version The steinless Steal metal shell of the lighter is luxurious "dressed" with a spider web and a pink spider on the front side and as a plesent surprise, HIDE's autograph is also to be found on the back of this tipe of Zippo too. The chosen font color is pink obviously, but this doesn't make it an ladies exclusively accessory only. Anyone would be lucky enough to own such beautiful piece should be equal thrilled. The Shell Fish Cross, although is a gorgeous lighter and an original Zippo , it does NOT bare the HeadWax signature, however was attribute to HIDE , as the frontal cross design reminds us of the Zielich era. It is arguable if this is or not an official release, but one thing is for sure, the design of this lighter is extreamly detailed, making this little lighter an elegant,refined object. I simply love it, how about you ? "His Invincible Delouge" Zippo was sold out completley at the 1st release, so HeadWax decided that a 2nd edition of the same model would be most appreciated by fans and Zippo collectors as well. Turns out they were right, so it comes that both editions have been a great sales success. It is as well coming in a steinless steal shell and frontal bares a beautiful filigran of HIDE's portrait... it is something which peaves me dearly to this...
"for sale IN JAPAN ONLY"...I mean seriously ??? Look for example at this blog in 1 year since first post was written 20 000 people have visited this site...
from this 20 000 nearly 700 are visitors from Japan...HELLO ladies and Gentlemen from HeadWax boarder...HIDE is an INTERNATIONAL ARTIST, the "in Japan Only" is very much outdated...kindly bring HIDE to the next level...allow him to reach WORLDWIDE
...he earned that recognition long ago with hard work, stop limiting him please, enough with barriers...let him brake trough...on thr other hand if you mean to be sold only in the LEMONed store online as in phisical locations I HAVE NO OBJECTION FOR THAT! AS LONG AS YOU BLOODY UPDATE YOUR SITE WITH AN ENGLISH VERSION SO THAT FOREIGNER FANS CAN ALSO JOIN/PERCHASE/ REACH TO JETS for example...which is only accessible if you have an Japanese home address and debit card...seriously ? what is your problem if I want to pay membership with a US/Euro/Asian...whatever region issued debit card ? what about you guys make it easyer for HIDE to reach us, and return to him a rightful status...THANK YOU!! I am sick to bribe and beg Japanese friends to make for my friends accounts on JETS, and I have damn pride, I will not use HIDE's LEMONed store address or his parents address from Yokosuka just to generate an account there. Every fan who cares to remember HIDE after nerly 20 years of absence deserve to have an account there regardless of country or language barrier, don't you think ?...if you want something from HIDE why not taking it from HIDE, why go seach for him and LEMONed isued thinghs in fan trades or auctions ? just because lately people don't seem to understand that even those who do not live in Japan or speack Japanese love HIDE too...I hope to live the day when no boarders will be between us and HIDE....The Yellow Red hearts Zippo is my favorite so far,
since that image it became a trademark for HIDE, almost identifying his presence as artist.
Is a beautiful lighter which makes a statement on its own and after my opinion is the best seller at LEMONed stores
...I mean who wouldn't buy that ? there is a new version of Yellow Hearts lighter, and the new one includes HIDE's guitar on the diagonal...
I crave so much to have it altough I am non smoker so far :) ... just look at it...
is gorgeous ! Then is the "eye" HIDE Revival one, who looks so nightmareish cool...
I feel I must have it regardless...price and whatever other aspect. When I go for HIDE Memorial in May,
I will raid the LEMONed on Takeshita str...I so much hope I can bring it home at my return from Japan.
It is simply WOOW!!! There is another lighter less know, is still Spread Beaver HIDE ,
I wrote another post about it on the blog so if you are interested go search for it :) . This golden Zippo is again arguable if is original a HeadWax product or not,
it is beautiful tough and it does reminds of HIDE a lot. I'd love owning that too :) . All I can say about it so far is, that was sold with X Japan merchandise and it is possible to be official. From time to time fans exchange such items between them,so most of time the origin certifficates are missing. I personally would risk and buy it back, I think it is a good investition indeed.
We are closing to the end of the Zippo list related with HIDE in one way or another, the next one is a HeadWax release alright,
I've been also telling you about in another post, so I will not insist on the subject except by adding that this too
came with steinless still shell and obviously as any trademark Zippo has lifetime warranty. It makes a memorable display and it could be in same time a great gift.
I imagine someone looking at it every time he/she use it, and for a moment remembering HIDE, that's nice isn't it ? These other few I will not praise too much as again I talked about them before.
I only hope you would still have the chance to get them from LEMONed or other site :) . Those following are NON OFFICIAL but a nice HIDE memorabillia
I also hope you've enjoyed reading about the Zippo collection, and I THANK YOU VERY MUCH for your support so far
Do you like smoking ? HIDE LOVED SMOKING maybe that is why LEMONed and HeadWax have released a ZIPPO lighters line, in his I bring in your attenyion most of them...beacuse I always forget something it is possible that 1 or more will not be displayed here simply by human error. In that case after complete revision catalog, if any of such lighters will not be presented now, I will surely update it later on correcting such awful mistake. All these being said let us start with...
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Posca Zippo |
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Posca Zippo |
As you might already know, HIDE used posca (poska) paints to decorate himself one of his guitars (but then he made one for Mayuko too and sign it before handing it over) . Posca is a paint that surfers use to decorate their surf boards and HIDE found it interesting to express his personality in a totally unique way, so that painting that guitar would give it even more meaning. The next Zippo is "Got a Feelin' " having as back side message few verses of HIDE's "LEMONed Ice Cream" song. The Zippo lighters of this collection are released trough a partnership between ZIPPO USA the original Zippo brand and the HeadWax organization. The "Got a Feelin' " Zippo is a Steinless Steal case made of, it has on the front HIDE's silhuette in a standing position... another one of his famous poses, and obviously singe is Zippo made, is meant to last for lifetime. The production year is 2008 and was available just for a while in the market being produced in limited stock. HIDE with Spread Beaver. Being an immitation of HIDE's green,stage costume, this is a beautiful Zippo. It came in special triangle case baring HIDE's logo on it. It is one of the official goods produced of HeadWax and sold out by LEMONed. It is a beautiful accessory, something that even a non smoker would like to have as well. This is Pink Spider , HIDE Revival Version The steinless Steal metal shell of the lighter is luxurious "dressed" with a spider web and a pink spider on the front side and as a plesent surprise, HIDE's autograph is also to be found on the back of this tipe of Zippo too. The chosen font color is pink obviously, but this doesn't make it an ladies exclusively accessory only. Anyone would be lucky enough to own such beautiful piece should be equal thrilled. The Shell Fish Cross, although is a gorgeous lighter and an original Zippo , it does NOT bare the HeadWax signature, however was attribute to HIDE , as the frontal cross design reminds us of the Zielich era. It is arguable if this is or not an official release, but one thing is for sure, the design of this lighter is extreamly detailed, making this little lighter an elegant,refined object. I simply love it, how about you ? "His Invincible Delouge" Zippo was sold out completley at the 1st release, so HeadWax decided that a 2nd edition of the same model would be most appreciated by fans and Zippo collectors as well. Turns out they were right, so it comes that both editions have been a great sales success. It is as well coming in a steinless steal shell and frontal bares a beautiful filigran of HIDE's portrait... it is something which peaves me dearly to this...
I only hope you would still have the chance to get them from LEMONed or other site :) . Those following are NON OFFICIAL but a nice HIDE memorabillia
I also hope you've enjoyed reading about the Zippo collection, and I THANK YOU VERY MUCH for your support so far
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