Thursday 25 August 2016

Searching for HIDE from Yokosuka Chuo till Tokyo
= How to find HIDE's parents home and TADO ES , Elementary School in Yokosuka Chuo =


This information will not empower you to become bullies, those people ( HIDEKI's parents ) have a certain age, have lost a son way too soon...they've cried their eyes out and shed the grief...DO NOT , UNDER NO MOTIVE OR CIRCUMSTANCES DISTURB THEIR LIVES OR BRING THEM ANY OFFENSE WITH INSIDIOUS PRESENCE IN ANY WAY !!! Last thing they need is little you bursting in their privacy winging about HIDEKI NII-san. I know it be honest I can't even pronounce his name without tears in my eyes...but imagine how painful would be for his family seeing you like a wreck, braking down in tears...scolding their most painful memories...Please...please, refrain from doing anything else than discretely observing the location...if not from politeness than do it from respect for HIDEKI's memory, please !!!

...all these being settled let's begin...

Dearest all of you ,somewhere out there trying to discover more about HIDEKI, I was pleased to read messages of those of you who found my previous post about Miura Reinen interesting and helpful. From bottom of my heart thank you! I have decided therefor to guide you even further in Yokosuka and other places where NII-san once went or were connected to him somehow. I hope this will make your visit there much more pleasant and less stressful. Let us start then our journey from the Yokosuka Chuo train station exit :) . Kindly follow my pictures for directions and compare them with the streets revealing before your eyes.
So here we go...

First, as you get out from the Yokosuka Chuo train station you look toward your right side you will notice the elevator  or stairs leading you toward the ground level. Kindly stick toward your right side and either chose stairs or the elevator if dragging heavy luggages.

Once you reach in the street, sticking to the same right side you will notice this corner of the few stores still keeping HIDEKI's picture in the window (is a poster from his 50 aniversary movie release, Junk Story )
From that supermarket I bought the incense I lit up on NII-san's grave , LOL. Assuming that you took the elevator or stairs anyway the first thing you'll find is NII-san's poster LOL so you're in the right direction

After snapping few photo (we all do same) leave the store behind and walk straight ahead on the street (if you want some souvenirs, than cross toward left side of the street, in Yoko there is an American Naval Base and people buy a kind of camouflage cake :) among other souvenirs you might want to take back home ) . Anyway, walk straight ahead on the street 
You will soon reach at an intersection, in the right side you
will see the radio tower clearer and in the left side you'll see this store with some Anime and Manga adds. Is simple to recognize, as you look back you will still be able to see the train station and the store will be right there...see ?
if you crossed the street before toward left side to buy souvenirs ...
take a good luck in front of you as you will need to walk that street almost till the end, is like 7 min walking .

after 2-3 min of walking you will find in your right side (I prefer you'd stick to the right side of the road as you'd go straight :) )
keep walking and smile, is not like you go to see that place every day :) !
after 4-5 min walking or 2 min if you are with car , you'll find on the right side again, a pre-paid parking space.It will help you if you use this as a "map point"
keep walking straight ahead as you are almost there :), keep smiling...people of Yokosuka are very happy with foreigners, they will smile back to you :) .
again looking toward your right side you'll find a store "mini stop" , you must pass it and soon in the intersection you must pay attention for a minute to turn right .
in the upcoming intersection you'll fine a "building on pillars" you need to use that too for guidance point. Once you reach that building you must turn on the road arose in front of you in the right side 
now you're standing in front of that street, heaving the "pillars" building in your left side...
kindly walk that street till the end.You will see a parking for a factory or could be for a hotel looks like this
once you reached to that entrance, kindly look toward your left side.
Keep walking that direction for few minutes and in your left side you will find Matsumoto's house. With the risk of repeating myself I will say it again...please do not ring at their gate, no matter how much you feel you want to do it. THEY DO NOT APPRECIATE IT!!! besides Hiroshi Matsumoto will probably sue you in court for stalking/harassment/trespassing...whatever...THAT MAN IS CAPABLE OF ANYTHING!!
and this time I would keep his side...HIDEKI NII-san himself didn't wanted too much publicity around his parents. Please think how it will feel like if an admirer of yours (someone you never meet but is fantasizing you desperate) will show up at the door of your parents crying and yelling, making an Oscar scene in a single act
trying to explain your mom and dad how much he/she loves/wants make you babies/dinner/wash your dirty socks...whatever...Don't laugh!!! is not funny!!! is CREEPIER! Please be discrete, they have neighbors on all sides, a drama scene will also disturb others...and that is not acceptable. Please refrain from being insidious !!!
as I showed in the previous picture, to reach Tado ES, HIDE NII-san's primary school all you need to do is to pass HIDEKI's parents home and walk till end of the street than turn in the right side and walk again 2-3 minutes till you reach in front of the school.
Unfortunately there is nothing left reminding you of HIDE NII-san over there (no pics,no info...nothing), so there's no need to enter and snop around. People would find that Japan they think different, what is harmless to us it might be taken as offense there...please be careful not to get in trouble .
keep walking few min and you find on left side TADO ES
This is TADO ES , goodluck !

Searching for HIDE from Yokosuka Chuo till Tokyo

Dearest all of you ,somewhere out there trying to discover more about HIDEKI, I was pleased to read messages of those of you who found my previous post about Miura Reinen interesting and helpful. From bottom of my heart thank you! I have decided therefor to guide you even further in Yokosuka and other places where NII-san once went or were connected to him somehow. I hope this will make your visit there much more pleasant and less stressful. Let us start then our journey from the Yokosuka Chuo train station exit :) . Kindly follow my pictures for directions and compare them with the streets revealing before your eyes.
So here we go...

First, as you get out from the Yokosuka Chuo train station you look toward your right side you will notice the elevator  or stairs leading you toward the ground level. Kindly stick toward your right side and either chose stairs or the elevator if dragging heavy luggages.

Once you reach in the street sticking to the same right side you will notice this corner of the few stores still keeping HIDEKI's picture in the window (is a poster from his 50 aniversary movie release, Junk Story )
From that supermarket I bought the incense I lit up on NII-san's grave , LOL. Assuming that you took the elevator or stairs anyway the first thing you'll find is NII-san's poster LOL so you're in the right direction

After snapping few photo (we all do same) leave the store behind and walk straight ahead on the street (if you want some souvenirs, than cross toward left side of the street, in Yoko there is an American Naval Base and people buy a kind of camouflage cake :) among other souvenirs you might want to take back home ) . Anyway, walk straight ahead on the street 

You will soon reach at an intersection, in the right side you
will see the radio tower clearer and in the left side you'll see this store with some Anime and Manga adds. Is simple to recognize, as you look back you will still be able to see the train station and the store will be right there...see ?

if you crossed the street before toward left side to buy souvenirs ...sorry will continue later brake is over and I need go to other job (working 2 shifts daily ) see you soon

Sunday 21 August 2016

HOW TO REACH HIDE in Miura Reinen

I don't know from where you'll start your journey to reach HIDEKI Nii-san but to make it easier I will guide you from Tokyo toward Yokosuka Chuo-Miurakaigan-Miura Reinen. Let us start with the beginning or you will be confused and lost in details :) LOL. No matter from where you start you must use at first
JR YAMANOTE LINE  please try to stick with the diagrams is very easy to get lost in Tokyo specially if you are a foreigner as I am, so here is the metro map of the Yamanote line
 Doesn't matter from where you start your journey from,each of those stations will do just fine AS LONG AS YOU REMEMBER TO GET OFF IN SHINAGAWA from there you must continue your journey using JR YOKOSUKA line. From SHINAGAWA till YOKOSUKA are 15 stations , so you will have to wait patient,(it will take a while so find something to do, since Yokosuka is just 2 stations away from the end of the line even if you fall asleep you can still go back in time LOL ) 
ATTENTION !!! on the map above aren't marked all stations ( ShinagawaNishi-Ōi , Musashi-Kosugi ,Shin-Kawasaki ,Tsurumi Yokohama ,Hodogaya ,Higashi-Totsuka ,Totsuka ,Ōfuna ,Kita-Kamakura ,Kamakura ,Zushi ,Higashi-Zushi ,Taura ,Yokosuka ) so do not panik if you can't find there the station announced on the electronic screen above train's door ( I'm not telling you this because you are dumb, I honnestly don't think you are, but sometimes people get distracted and anxious to arrive somewhere and if making journey first time, is easy to get in panic ) once you reach Yokosuka main station you can go till Yokosuka Chuo simply walking as it isn't damn far away (maybe 15-20 min walking) .

For Yokosuka Chuo please use in fact the East Exit of the station. As you reach there your journey toward HIDEKI is already half made, this should make you smile at, as you enter the station you search for platform 1 leading toward Keikyu Main Line for UragaKeikyū KurihamaMiurakaigan, and Misakiguchi to complete your journey you will need to use Miurakaigan (Keikyu Kurihama Line) , you need to have enough patience for 8 more train stops ( Yokosuka Chuo ,Horinouchi , Shin-Ōtsu , Kitakurihama , Keikyu Kurihama ,YRP Nobi ,Keikyu Nagasawa ,Tsukuihama ,Miurakaigan ) 

As you get out from the train station, somewhere in your right side nearby the exit is the bus station, there are FREE buses going from 10 -20 min around the coast most of them have MIURA REINEN as station (either it will take you till the cemetery parking and spare you from another 15 min of walking in the sun or many times it will stop right at the bottom of the road leading you toward the cemetery) . I put the worse ahead and assumed you took a bus which stop at the bottom of the not worry, I'm with you all the way till HIDEKI's resting place. I promise you will reach him fast without scolding out all the graves pay attention!!!

So...the bus must have been left you here...hmm...look toward your right side across the street (kindly watch out traffic nee) you will see the entrance toward a street currently is a kind of iron lace fence round...
Here we go, more than half of the way you will find on both sides houses of the not worry keep walking straight ahead till you cross few vegetable and rice fields, a point of the driveway you will see the road splits in 2...a big sign written with green letters notifies you about current position and gives you choices to proceed further...if you can't read Japanese is OK (I don't know to read either...that didn't stop me to "ghost around" for 5 days in a row) anyways...

You are here, the red arrow points you toward right, that is precisely the direction you should follow as you can see the cemetery entrance straight ahead...I know you must been damn tiered now, but think about if you reach so far you can make it just fine, please bare with me 5-10 minutes more :) .

As you reach the cemetery entrance, please guide yourself after the temple/house in the left from in front of the pound garden and follow the road toward left as I draw you on the next image...few more minutes and you're need to frown, and stop winging !!!

Can you smell the incense ? isn't a peaceful place there ? I love it so much :) , keep walking using the edge of the fence as guidance and the big house/temple as land mark .
You will soon see in front of you Ando's grave, few trees and benches, a water pump and a table full with buckets will be in your right side...HIDEKI's grave is right ahead on the alley, you can't miss it is the most beautiful !! always heaving 2 big bunches of purple flowers right-left side of grave stone...and other fans coming from all over will meet you there. POLITE NOTE...on the little green plate on the left side of the entrance it is a special request from family...they ask you all to burn only 2 incense sticks...many people visit HIDEKI daily and lots of smoke from the incense rolls over the granit stone toward the sky...the smoke stains the grave stone and in time it loses the original color and beauty, Please Please respect this aspect when you burn incense to pay want to exist over the years a place where you'll comeback someday wouldn't you ??? now...ANOTHER POLITE NOTE this time I am the one asking you this, and PLEASE DO NOT TAKE IT IN THE WRONG WAY! if you need to put your flowers in water and there is no space, kindly remove the dry ones from a pot, if water smells bad...refresh it from the nearby pump.If dry leafs or petals fall on HIDEKI's grave kindly remove them, there is a trash basket for dry flowers next to the benches under the trees. If the incense tray is full of ashes, kindly look under the white table in the left side of HIDEKI's tomb will find inside a small red bucket or a white one...kindly empty the content of the ash tray in there (make sure nothing still burning tough) .
Look ahead, next the dry flowers basket, under the trees you will find 2 distinct trash tanks, one for plastic pet bottles and metal cans and other one smaller, round, shiny silver which is special for ashes and anything that can/will burn...kindly empty the ash from HIDEKI's ash tray over there, Thank You :) ! I know it is too much to ask you to do this, but we don't go to HIDEKI just to snap super covers for our Facebook/Instagram/Twitter pages...WE GO THERE BECAUSE WE LOVE AND MISS about WE ALL SHOW HIM A BIT RESPECT ??? if I exagerate with my polite requests I apologize, I honestly mean no harm, I just want that place clean on earth as it is in our I know I'm boring you but...PLEASE DO NOT TAKE ANY SOUVENIRS FROM HIDEKI's GRAVE...without knowing you might hold someone else's prayer/dream/ offering      

Saturday 20 August 2016

Visit at Yellow House and Baba -San in Harajuku

After the unforgettable Karaoke night at the Rally Pub, I went to visit Harajuku I wanted badly to reach at LEMONed , but destiny and my new friend Kazuhiro Tanaka, took me first to Yellow House on Takeshita street...there I had the pleasure to meet in person a famous lady in J-rock show-bizz...

She entitled herself "Baba-san" which in slang Japanese means the "old lady", being too much a private person she never allow anyone call her on the real name...if you read some posts behind on the blog you will find another article I wrote about here with so much appreciation and I a very respectful way.
By all means this lady and her store, Yellow House are part of many "glitter stories" of Visual if part of a magic My
th. The Yellow House and Baba-san are providing clothes ravaging fashion trends from over 35 years as herself admits with pride.During the years she dressed the men of X , Dir En Gray and other bands in the Visual Kei and J-rock industry. HIDEKI Nii-san was himself a huge fan of this shop, he bought from there most of his fancy clothes
 Baba-san has a bunch of pictures with HIDEKI on all the walls in the private section of the store, of course she will smack your hand if you dare to touch the pictures around the mirror or if you try to make pictures of the ones displayed on the walls...her memories are hers alone and you...the outsider are only allowed to see can't "take" home someone's past...Kindly be polite if you do chose to visit Yellow House and respect her rules and demands...rudeness and missbehaving has no place in the Yellow House .

as a very exceptional favor I was allowed to have few snap shoots in her "personal corner" a room which she protects and watch over with an eagle they are, I share them with you, because share is care...

this is just a sample of the countless pictures with HIDEKI Nii-san dressing the ceiling of her "private room" , from too much respect and consideration I didn't pushed too much her more than generous offer and I only took this picture of her ceiling covered with lifetime memories...

This one is another example, it is a snap shoot of the entrance door step toward the same private room :) . Baba-san is a tough lady she is a bit rough draging my hand...I felt bit scarred and intimidate by her nature, but in her soul she loves Nii-san and that made me go back to her that day few times wear some clothes HIDEKI bought as well...tough I am EU and US only size 12...nothing in there fit me sadly...unfortunately I have no chance...all HIDEKI's dressing choices are coming from discontinued brands...not on Market anymore...20 years is long time...brands dissapear, stores close reach bankrupt...

only the smile on Baba-san's face defies time and mocks with elegance and class the modern, chaotic stile of Visual Kei...after all she isn't named for nothing the "Mother Of J-Rocku"

Searching for HIDEKI Nii-san in Tokyo= ONE NIGHT AT RALLY's =

As I told you before in a previous post, at HIDEKI's grave I meet among other people another fan of his, Kazuhiro Tanaka the guy who makes music reviews for a certain Tokyo magazine. He was so nice and offered me a chance to see and experience on my own the "hidden" world of HIDEKI Nii-san in the heart of Tokyo,I had gave him my Facebook ID (Marie Aristo Kate) and few hours later was asking me if I want to go at the pub where HIDEKI Nii-san spend the last night with his close ones before his tragic death...Obviously I agreed instant so there I was in Rally Pub, surrounded of people who love X and Nii-san 

Everyone surrounded me with so much love, made me feel so special, so wanted there...I felt my heart beating in my throat not on my chest...everyone was singing in a row at Karaoke, transforming spectacular every musical hit of X and HIDE in something of their something magic and special...I am not saying this only because it was damn flattering to be in the same pub where Nii-san spend last night before his tragically death, or because I had a Shandygap...his favorite beer cocktail
(which I admit made me dizzy instant) but because of the warm feeling I got inside related with if HIDEKI's spirit was pouring out from those smoked walls...I felt it could almost touch him trough their voices...trough their vibes...I told Kazu what I felt and he said it might be because the festival of the dead was on...that it might be indeed HIDEKI's spirit coming back to visit places he once loved...people with whom he once shared friendship...
Mr. Kadono greeted me standing on the edge of the table, he owes the Rally Pub and another restaurant nearby. As one of HIDEKI's close ones he had lots of stories to tell about Nii-san and for more than half of hour I made his head big with how I reached to be HIDEKI's fan, how I saw him first time on Mtv and VIVA (VEVO) , how I had only 1 poster on my wall from Popcorn magazine while I was in my elementary school and how I started to collect and pile up more and more stuff released by Nii-san over time...tough I was talking as if I ate power supply at lunch...
Mr. Kadono didn't get angry, he smiled patient and as well told me stories about HIDEKI...I was allowed to drink a Shndygap just the way Nii-san loved it and...( curled my lips and cough cause didn't like the taste at first ) but I drink it bit by bit and reached to love it by the end LOL...lucky 1 was enough to make me I continued with...fruit juice ahahahaha...No matter how valiant, women aren't made to "drink like men" ahahahhaha. I was wearing one of my favorite T-shirts, the Psyence A Go Go , orange one

It gives me confidence and freedom of a bit large and it was damn hot for long sleeve but I felt great wearing it that night...because it was my special T-shirt in my most special night ever...Thank you for everything guys, everything was unforgetable

Hoping that you guys have enjoyed reading so far as I enjoyed sharing those memories with you, I invite you to comeback and read more of the posts I leave here on HIDEKI's blog so that people will still remember Nii-san anywhere, everywhere...anytime :) , Thank you for supporting HIDE's blog by reading the posts minaaa-san :) !