HIDE's Yellow-Red hearts guitar shape Memory Stick
Have lots of data but it sucks cause you have no storage for it ? No worries...problem solved!

Headwax organization came up with an ingenious idea, they crate the cute-st USB ever which can also be used as storage data device as well as memorabilia.
The cute Memory Stick in the shape of the most famous guitar of HIDEKI is only 1 GB , and while rushing to say "is not enough space" I will remind you that due its delicate design it is not meant to be let's say and work-office data holder, as noted on the support box which come in black leather dressing above a metallic base for the protective case, the product itself is "labeled" with "fragile"
so handle it with caution , not to ruin a prefect treasure. There is not too much I can tell you guys about this item, except that was out for sale once with the JETS products
( remember I've showed you in an earlier post the Jets T-shirts...my favorites of all HIDEKI's clothing collection ) .
Hope you'd still be able to get one yourself , sometimes you can just get lucky :) !
HIDE Museum Postcard book
It is happening that in HIDE Museum once with the other
merchandise products there used to sell some postcards in a
Postcard scrap book, the postcard books were of 8 different
type of which content I could only manage to retrieve several
pictures for you. Here they are, amazing and so life vibrant :)
. I'm sure you love them :) , thanx for coming back again for
more of your "HIDEKI chill pill " LOL :)
HIDE Museum Stationery Set
Happy days at HIDE Museum, everywhere you could find something to catch your eye, something that you felt you must take home, something...like this stationery set LOL .
Everyone needs a pen and sometimes is very hard to be found in either a bag oversize or a purse way to small to fit anything inside...no worries, no worries at all ! this could happen to you everywhere except...at HIDE Museum! because there, there was a time
when you could have bought a proper stationery set including a sharp point pen, an eraser, an ballpoint pen, a notepad and a sticker , all of those inserted in a clear file so practical for your passes, tickets, stickers...whatever other small stuff you'd like to store in
HIDE Museum Anniversary Jacket (Sukajan)
I remember someone called the Jacket Sukajan , was it because on the back it was written Yokosuka ?

I've never found the answer for that but the "nickname" given to this jacket amused me dearly. Here it is in a lovely purple-silver color, the famous jacket I'm talking about. It is made from polyester and stretching fiber and is more of a summer party jacket than something you'd wear as protection against the cold weather, but it is special in all the
ways, it relay caries a "happy tone" no wonder everyone wanted 1 :) . On the back it is draw the map of the actual locations within the museum , so if you'd ever get lost all you could do is to read on a dude's back LOL and find your way trough...I just love it :) , don't you ? Thanx for staying connected as much as time will allow me I will show you more and more information.
If you feel like you need to add or to amend something feel free to leave a comment please. Thank you for supporting HIDEKI's blog by returning and reading about him :) !
HIDE Museum 1st Anniversary Bus-Card and Pass-Net card special release
Around 2001 , one year after the gates of HIDE Museum were official opened for fans and public in Yokosuka ,
HIDEKI's home town there issued along with the entrance tickets some special passes like the Net-Pass card which you
could use in the designated perimeters such as coffee Le Psyence , the coffee shop within HIDE's Museum and others such spots.
The bus card was a day permit for using the Tomica buses I already mentioned before in several other posts .
I guess it was fun that way, you got the feeling of a mini Disneyland LOL . Here are the passes I'm talking about as
they were presented to public, in the same original cover, back and front displayed here for your amusement :) ,
have fun and thank you for returning to HIDEKI's blog , I have tones of other things to talk with you about him, so please
don't be a stranger, comeback again and
HIDE Complete Works 1998
On 12/04/1998 you could find in the stores a data base software like CD , titled "HIDE Complete Works"

it allegedly contained comments and articles related of HIDE's work also giving precious details about his outgoing projects.
This is considered to be a precious asset for anyone willing to breach even for a bit in HIDEKI's twisted world.
After my ignorant judgement HIDEKI was a kind of Louis the 14th in the rock music, his Versailles was the very own stage where with such skillful grace and vanity he art.
I invite you not to look upon his heavenly smile, not upon his almost childish acts...but upon the essence of his soul, upon the spark of energy he ignite every single song...
a spark who lasts unstained even till today, if you have doubts about that, remind yourself you're reading this blog now, written long after HIDEKI's smile had faded into the mist of forgotten memory. Life is like a battle field some will sunset in glory, while others'll be eternal everlasting, as long as love lasts, as long as the memory keeps its fragrance real, as long as the dream still brings you comfort...The above mentioned album it is split in 3 parts: Sound, Visual and Various if you have it that anything I say is too much all ready, but if you don't have it yet then search for it, is a big comfort for the soul, it doesn't make the lost easier to bare but it keeps the memory still alive.
20/07/2000 HIDE Museum Memorabilia merchandise releases
By the time when the HIDE Museum was first time open to public, around 2000 , on 20th of July to be more precise, it was held a HIDE Memorial.
As HIDEKI's memory was just as fresh in all fan's mind, as his shocking parting from us, people from all over the world start to gather at HIDE's Museum as if on a perpetual pilgrimage which will last till the shameful demolish of such holly place where we could still touch...feel the vibes...smell the scent of HIDEKI's spirit ( tough I have enough material about the Museum + day by day demolish,

documented footage, I delay as much as I can the moment when I will need to post about that...is too painful, demolishing that place was as cruel as vandalizing his grave in 2013...I have no words to express what I feel ).
Anyhow on that event of July 20th some merchandise was released for sell at the famous LEMONed shop on the Museum perimeters.
Let us start first with HIDE Memorial Plate.
This was a commemorative plate coming in a special Plexiglas case, the metal chip inside is reproducing one of HIDEKI's famous pictures ,
the same one was displayed at his funeral. the Plexiglas frame is seated on a layer of black velvet
within a black box bearing HIDEKI's logo. It was a precious collectible for the fans
who ignored the high price simply buying it for true sentimental value.
Next product on the line is an electronic smart desk watch,
it looks like a silver agenda but when you peak inside you realize is much more that a clock. It contains an calculator board, is equipped with an calendar on the electronic display
as well with various tunes of alarm setting which makes it a perfect office equipment as well as home desk clock. Take it any way, I love it :) !
A set of 10 different pin badges was offered for sale as well. The badges, all of them featuring cartoons of HIDEKI's very well known and loved signature guitars ,
were very shortly very popular among the sold items of that event , that is maybe because they're so cute, who would have resist the temptation to wear on the jacket's collar such cute pin badge ?
HIDEKI's photo special framed in a nice designed photo stand
was also one of the attractions of this event, many fans did bought it as day memory of that event. Poor HIDEKI if his spirit could I guess he would have killed someone at HeadWax
for not finding a better picture from the tones of footage he did in his lifetime ( LMFAO that was a joke, I do love that picture ) .
Also another important piece of resistance released at that event was a display box
containing all signature models of guitar picks which belonged to HIDEKI during X Japan and his solo career. Even after so many years I still look upon them with great affection,
unchanged by the time passing, simply lovely this could make a perfect gift for any of HIDEKI's fans,tough very rare it is not impossible to be found :) , as I always advice you , check Yahoo Japan auctions :) !
HIDE Mini Guitar collection & it's Secret
As I have previously said in other posts, HIDEKI used to personalize his favorite guitars on his own by painting or simply adjusting to his extravagant fashion taste .The public had long admired his famous guitars which once with HIDEKI have become part of his living legend.
Sometime in 2011 , Fernandez the company who produced HIDEKI's famous guitars had agreed with the Head Wax company to re-edit a real success. The set of HIDEKI's loved guitars was reproduced again under another display but keeping the original design. So " it come to life" a box-set of 6 lovely reproductions of HIDEKI's instruments on a scale of 1/8 , as I present them here in the order of appearence of the original guitars in HIDEKI's closed LOL :).
Fernandez Burney MG-X - hand painted by HIDEKI , this guitar is as you guessed a signature guitar in all the ways, the original guitar was autographed by HIDEKI after finishing painting and varnish it .

This guitar model is Burney -MG-SW and "SW" comes from "Snow White" HIDEKI name it like this because he want it completely white, tough he wasn't much fun of white mostly preferring "live colors"
he didn't chose his guitar in that color by chance, when we talk about HIDEKI all it has a mystical symbolism and a hidden meaning. The next guitar is model Burney -MG-LD , it comes is a beautiful "twetty bird" yellow color and was named...you guess Lemon Drop
(it seems there was always a very tight connection between HIDEKI and Lemons... LMFAO )
...sorry for returning so late, I do realize I started this post several hours ago...but I fall asleep minaa. Let's not lose anymore time and start it all over again.
The next model is Burney MG-CS
also known as the Cherry Sunburst guitar due to the lovely color, I love so much how it sounds "Cherry Sunburst" that I imagine HIDEKI playing one of his songs using it...something like..."Tell Me" let's say
. How it sounds that ?
Next...the beautiful green over here is another signature model special created for the Psyence a GO GO , yes you've guessed we're talking about the Burney MG-PS Science model. isn't that a beauty.
If the miniature looks so heavenly imagine how would feel like holding the real thing :) ! it gives you a happy-comforting mood-feeling, just look at it yellow and green combined in such an harmony, as if it would be an apple inviting you to have a bite LOL.
And now we get to the legendary Yellow Heart or LEMONed Heart guitar, basically when you think about HIDEKI, the first thing coming in your mind is an yellow font with red hearts on it, doesn't matter you picture in your mind the guitar itself or
you associate the yellow-red-hearten background with HIDEKI's image in your mind, the result is the same. As years have past we reach to identify HIDEKI's memory with that image which become his visual signature in our hearts and minds. Here it is, the "Queen" of his guitar collection as I love to call it...the Fernandez Burney MG-YH model guitar .
HIDEKI was very innovative person and very much in trend with the new technology, he was committed to offer the best sound, he never quit practicing his gigs and by the default modesty never pretended he was the best ever. In his perpetual search for alternative way to offer a quality play with best sound ever he requested from Fernandez a hybrid guitar which was special modified and doted with sound switchers for amplifying the sound and resonance,
you could say for example that this guitar is the ancestor of Hizaki's Rose Maiden (Versailles super guitarist...my other secret lover...well not that secret since I pester him around wherever can find him). This stunning guitar comes in black, simplicity is what HIDEKI
liked the most tough he was an walking paradox in all the ways...and yes I would have said the same thing if he was alive and standing in front of me right now, we'd probably end up fighting and kicking each other, but in the end we'd be friends...we're too much alike in some aspects not to notice we're bit different but to be perfectly fine with that :) . I will post again my precious Cherry Sunburst , it is so amazing how was so detailed reproduced at the small scale in such an artistically way. I love it !
This collection I've presented you above it comes with a "secret" guitar.
It is little known to the public that while HIDEKI was still alive he actually requested from Fernandez another prototype Hybrid guitar the model is called Burney HR- Hybrid "Reverse" Prototype .
Due to HIDEKI's sudden disappearance from among us, the "Reverse" guitar had never become the 7th of his guitar collection and never reached to become a part of HIDEKI's shows.
The miniature was released by Fernandez as homage for HIDEKI as if honoring his last tool request, Ikind of become very sentimental when seeing it...maybe cause I'm such a crying baby LOL.
Later on were released other editions of same guitars presented above, this time being at a 1/6 scale they are a bit more realistic as the ones offered to us by Fernandez
and the price is pretty good as well if I'm not wrong it was 3800 Jpy for each of them and they were each one released separately.
Here it is as a compassion the new 1/6 scale guitar beside the 1/8 scale original Fernandez release. It is up to you to decide which one you'd love adding to your collection. Thank you for reading, and I await for you back soon :) , cheers !